Be a part of the change!

Being a member of Solsef is being part of a family that helps change the world! As a member, you contribute with an annual fee for the development of various activities belonging to our four areas of action (International Cooperation, Citizenship Education, Inclusion and Training).

Membership Fees

Benefactor member
(individuals and legal entities)

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Equivalent to the cost of a monthly salary for a teacher in Haiti

Regular Member

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Equivalent to the annual cost of a school lunch for a student in Guinea-Bissau

Junior Member (up to 25 years old)

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Equivalent to the cost of annual tuition at a community college in Mozambique

Senior Member (age 66 and over)

Become a Member

Equals the cost of the COVID-19 vaccine in Brazil

Make a donation

Preenche o valor que queres doar ou seleciona uma das opções abaixo.