International Cooperation: solidarity across borders

International Cooperation for Development projects are Solsef’s main area of expertise and are embodied in concrete actions for human promotion, particularly in communities with low Human Development Index (HDI), particularly in Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP). In addition to seeking to meet the needs felt by the population, Solsef’s projects have sustainability as a determining factor. Thus, the projects must serve the beneficiaries continuously over time, creating conditions so that they can remain or help the personal development and of the region, not only at the time of intervention, but creating effects that multiply over time and in direct and indirect beneficiaries, promoting greater autonomy for those who participate in them.

What are they based on?

Since 2016, Solsef’s development cooperation projects have been aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are a set of 17 goals that emerged to address needs felt by people around the world who live without the livelihoods necessary to develop their capacities. These Goals were inspired by the United Nations, in September 2015, and welcomed by Solsef because they aim to create essential levels of development in areas that have been the essential object of our intervention: Education and Health.

Who are they for?

Since its foundation, Solsef has been concerned with the development and promotion of the human being in two of its most decisive phases: childhood and youth, given their extreme importance for personal development and for the range of future options of each individual. Thus, our projects have a special focus on this age group, seeking to act at the level of education and health, essential areas to become adults physically, psychologically, culturally and educationally prepared to give their contribution to their families, communities and society

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Qualificação Pedagógica

Apoio ao desenvolvimento da qualificação pedagógica do serviço educativo do Liceu Dom Settimio Artur Ferrazzetta em Empada (Guiné-Bissau)

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