Get involved with us for good causes

Solsef needs motivated, available and committed people. If you can imagine dedicate part of your day for a good cause, or even if you would like to volunteer abroad, contact us. The volunteers who make up the Solsef team are trained and prepared according to their activity and must meet the following profile:

  • Respectful – of the deontological codes, beliefs/ideologies, and policies of the sponsoring institutions.
  • Available – to the tasks he/she proposes and to the time he/she devotes to training and participation.
  • Committed – he/she must commit to regular volunteer work in advance of the project.
  • Capable – be able to perform assigned duties making the best use of resources.
  • Cooperative – demonstrates the ability to work as part of a team and show a sense of responsibility in achieving project goals.
  • Sense of belonging – this is an opportunity to show solidarity with a cause that ALL can champion.

Make a donation

Preenche o valor que queres doar ou seleciona uma das opções abaixo.