Are you thinking of developing or joining a solidarity initiative in favor of our social causes?

Your celebrations, events or activities related to culture, music, spirituality, education, entertainment or sports can become solidarity actions in favor of Sol without Borders. Thanks to these initiatives, you can help spread our mission of solidarity around the world to reach more people.

Below are some examples of solidarity initiatives that you can develop individually or in group.

Rede de Empresas pela Solidariedade

A Rede de Empresas pela Solidariedade é uma iniciativa desenvolvida pela Solsef que tem como objetivo dinamizar apoios de empresas, com Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC), a favor das nossas causas sociais. Ao longo dos anos, tivemos diferentes exemplos de materialização do apoio empresarial ao nosso trabalho:

  • Recebemos donativos monetários ao abrigo da lei de mecenato empresarial;
  • Recebemos donativos em espécie ao abrigo da lei de mecenato empresarial;
  • Trabalhadores de empresas, no âmbito da promoção do voluntariado empresarial, colaboraram enquanto voluntários nas nossas atividades solidárias ou atuaram como agentes de educação para a cidadania enquanto formadores do nosso público-alvo (jovens e crianças);
  • Empresas adquiriram produtos da nossa loja solidária para oferecer aos seus colaboradores e fornecedores;
  • Fomos convidados a participar com a nosso stand institucional e o stand da nossa loja solidária em eventos empresariais de forma a divulgar o nosso trabalho;
  • Tivemos oportunidade de divulgar o nosso trabalho em eventos de team building empresarial;
  • Fomos beneficiários de iniciativas de fundrasing dinamizadas a partir das redes sociais corporativas das empresas;
  • Empresas organizaram eventos solidários (eventos gastronómicos, eventos desportivos, concertos de música, etc.) a favor das nossas causas solidárias;
  • E muito mais…

Na base da influência do entorno na empresa e da empresa no entorno, a Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) foca os seus objetivos na articulação de uma transformação positiva da sociedade, dentro e fora das instituições, de forma a contribuir com a criação de melhores condições de bem-estar social. Também desde um ponto de vista menos filantrópico, a RSC atua sob a convicção de que as condições de vida na sociedade impactam, direta e indiretamente, no ambiente empresarial e nos seus trabalhadores, pelo que o bem-estar social tem um impacto direto no bem-estar empresarial. No âmbito da Sol sem Fronteiras, com ações desenvolvidas em Portugal e além-fronteiras, desafiamos as empresas com RSC a olhar a sociedade no seu plano globalizado, e não apenas no entorno mais imediato, de forma a sensibilizar sobre as necessidades dos nossos beneficiários dentro e fora de Portugal.

Network of Schools for Solidarity

The Network of Schools for Solidarity is a commitment to promote solidarity and commitment to those who need it most in the school community. Within the scope of Education for Citizenship, we develop initiatives aimed at raising the school community’s awareness to the challenges of a globalized society that marginalizes the most disadvantaged groups. The tools used are training and the involvement of the educational community in our solidarity actions.

We promote education in values through participative, dynamic and cooperative procedures, we encourage critical and solidary thinking, and we promote collective actions that contribute to the solidarity of the world.

Network of Parishes for Solidarity

Sol Sin Fronteras, as a Christian-inspired institution born from the spirituality of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, relies on a network of friendly Catholic Parishes, from north to south of Portugal and beyond, who promote the values of solidarity and fraternity among their community.

Thousands of parishioners collaborate annually with our solidarity causes through the dissemination of the testimony of denouncing the lack of opportunities for development (social, personal and educational) of millions of children and young people around the world.

The parishioners help to realize our development projects, through donations or the purchase of products at our solidarity store, being responsible for the realization of school infrastructures, purchase of educational equipment, continuous training of teachers and students, establishment of scholarship banks for disadvantaged children and youth, and much more.

Solidarity Campaigns

Sol sem Fronteiras’ solidarity campaigns promote the collective exercise of solidarity in favor of education and health of children and youth in communities with low Human Development Index (HDI) (across borders) and in favor of the inclusion of vulnerable groups inserted in our society.

Solsef’s Solidarity campaigns are both an opportunity to educate in values (in line with our Citizenship Education axis of action) and a fundraising channel to achieve the realization of social actions that require an investment of resources.

Solidarity Celebrations

  1. In Prenda Solidária, you can find gifts for your guests while contributing to the sustainability of our social enterprise. With our Store, you can fund international cooperation projects, primarily in the field of education;
  2. You can make a donation to commemorate your celebration, or promote the donation among your guests, through our site, in a simple and safe way;;
  3. You can place a solidarity corner at your celebration site to spread the word about our causes and promote the allocation of solidarity piggy banks. Every cent counts!
  4. You can lead a fundraising initiative on facebook for your birthday. So far, nearly 300 people have decided to mark their birthday in solidarity by giving up material gifts and encouraging donations to our social projects through facebook;
  5. You can enliven your celebration with our solidarity choir and, in return, contribute in some way to our social projects. We count on a group of volunteers (close to 30 people) passionate about music and united to our solidary causes.

Solidarity Events

You can organize a music concert, a theater play, a poetry recital, a comedy show, or a gastronomic event, among many other examples, in order to, while promoting culture and leisure, raise funds for our social projects.

Other solidary activities

You can organize a sporting event or a Team Building event, in your company or institution, with the objective of promoting contact and communication between people and, at the same time, support one of our solidary causes through the funds raised by the participation of people in the activity.

Do you have an idea? Contact us!

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